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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In My Green Cocoon

As mentioned before in an earlier post, my menopausal musings have lead me not towards purple, which is so often the tone that menopausal mummas drift towards, but to soft greens with lime tones - just look at the picture that is the basis of my blog background and you'll get the idea.

I even have my own shady green cocoon, this is the scene from where I sit in my study, isn't it glorious??

My gorgeous shady green cocoon is provided by our Cecil Brunner climbing rose, which has now outgrown the supports and has grown (fallen) over to touch the eaves of the house.

There is a tunnel of rose branches and leaves you need to walk through as you wander down the garden path towards the front of the house.

Soon my green cocoon will be dotted with beautiful soft pink flowers (I'll add some photos taken last year further down).  It is truly a lovely scene to behold each time I sit down at the computer.

With the blinds open but not pulled across (around 9.30 am), and this photo does
not do justice to the glorious colour

With the blinds drawn to the left

Of course it brightens as the sun moves over the house.  My recently installed wind chimes which you can just see at the top right of the window, provide a tinkling musical backdrop to my day.

Lovely little pink delights

And of course, Max loves to sit and look out the window
(photo from another day)

There is a new addition to the fairy garden that my middle grand-daughter loves to visit, you can spy him just to the right of my computer in the photo above, but here he is in all his glory.

A colourful dragonfly now sits above the fairy garden below

Hopefully soon the walls of my study will be painted in green (if hubby ever gets around to it), and so my green cocoon will be complete.

Thanks for popping by, I hope you are having a glorious day where ever you are.   xxx


  1. Green coccoons rule. I have them here as well and they are a huge help. And I love both the Cecil Brunner rose and the dragonfly. Thankyou.

  2. I can't believe that rose has grown back so beautifully after that awful neighbour next door almost demolished it. It is so glorious and what a beautiful outlook you have there. My computer faces inwards and my view is of a chatty brick wall but there are lots of pictures of cats on a board up there that makes up for it and this year's calendar from the pharmacy has beautiful butterflies. Nothing as lovely as your rose though. xx



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