Welcome to my blog.

My blog expresses my views and thoughts and in no way intends to offend however that does not guarantee it wont.

I write in a stream of consciousness and sometimes the odd typo or bad grammar may appear - please excuse these.

Please feel free to leave a comment if something inspires you to do so.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Life Back In Balance

Well, finally my life feels back in balance. Hubby has been home this whole week, and how easily we have fitted back into the ebb and flow of our life, it has been wonderful to have him here.

He still wanders into my study when I am on the computer and ruffles my hair or gives me a quick kiss before continuing his journey to the kitchen to make a cuppa.

He is here to kiss me hello every day when I return from work, how I have missed that - I hated coming home to an empty house every work day while he was away.

This morning he made Caitlyn and I pancakes, and managed to burn his hand in the process - nothing has changed - he is still as accident prone as ever.

I am truly blessed to have this man in my life, he is not perfect, but he is close most of the time. The best bit is, I am not perfect either - and he loves me none the less.

Life is sweet. Oh and he bought me a new computer yesterday - how spoilt am I - very I know.


  1. What a beautiful post! I love this. It sounds as though you have something truly precious, and more importantly - it sounds as though you know it!

    May I say, please, how grateful I have been for your comments on my blog of late. They have been sweet and heartwarming, and oh, so comforting. I wish you knew how much I appreciate you.

  2. Thank you Melissa - it is strange that even though we have never met, I feel like you are one of my daughters and I wish I could give you a real hug sometimes. You have such a precious heart. xxx



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