Welcome to my blog.

My blog expresses my views and thoughts and in no way intends to offend however that does not guarantee it wont.

I write in a stream of consciousness and sometimes the odd typo or bad grammar may appear - please excuse these.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kindred Spirits

One of the most amazing things I have found about blogging is the fact that somehow, in some strange way, kindred spirits are drawn together.

It is not to say that you connect with everyone you meet on this journey, some you meet and stay following for a short while before they either stop blogging, go private, or you move on and visit them less often.

But some people seem to reflect you, not necessarily exactly the same experiences, or even the same life path, but there is a connection in either the way you look at the world, or the way you strive to live your live, I am sure you have all found them at one time or another.

Can you remember how you met these friends, how you stumbled across their blogs, what made you connect?

Do you regularly check out other bloggers blogrolls?

Today I would like to share one of those Kindred Spirits with you, just in case you have not yet met her.

Most recently there is a blogger whose non de plume is mybabyjohn, she lives in Canada - a country I long to visit. She maybe a little older than me, maybe around my age - I just know she is retired now. Her blog My Feathered Nest I discovered after she commented on and started following my blog. I do believe I may even have been her first follower - or at least in the first few who had the honour of following her blog.

She is one of the most prolific blog writers, posting every day if not more than once every day. Little snippets of her life interspersed with fun bit and bobs. Currently she is taking part in the A-Z April Challenge and I look forward to seeing what she comes up with in her quirky style.

Why don't you pop over and visit, maybe even follower her. Like all of us, she loves visitors.

She also is the most regular commenter on my posts - I believe she is a kindred spirit and I am so glad to have met her in cyberspace. You never know, one day when I finally get to Canada we may even meet in real life, wouldn't that be a hoot.


  1. Will do - if you feel like kindred spirits I'm keen to visit x

  2. Better than a hoot...it would be a blessing. What a lovely, sweet, kind, totally YOU kind of thing to do Kakka. In the midst of all the discomfort you have been experiencing lately you take the time to think of someone else.
    Do you know how I found you floating out there in the blogosphere? I was so new to blogging.....so green (still am actually) that I just hit "next post" about 300 times until I found someone I could identify with. And that, my dear, was YOU. Thank you for being there and thank you for this lovely sweet post. Have a great day and yes, I am thinking chilly snowy blustery wintery thoughts for you.

  3. I always did wonder how you found me @mybabyjohn. Your comments are always so supportive that they help me through the bad days. xxx

  4. Yay on finding kindred spirits in the blogosphere.

    I often check out other other people's blogrolls. I've found quite a few blogs that way. More so when they comment on posts and say things that I would love to say but I can't say so eloquently. So I try to follow those bloggers.

  5. Oh yay! I love meeting new blogs/bloggers. Very pleased to stop by anyone you recommend, K. x



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