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Monday, April 25, 2011

Lest We Forget 2011

They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
we will remember them
Lest We Forget

This year Anzac Day has got swallowed up in Easter, which seems a shame. It is a day that has always been important to me, more so as I have aged and the full extent of the sacrifices that previous generations made to ensure our county, and indeed others, are with hope, a safe place to live.

My previous Anzac Day posts have been very personal, looking at how Anzac Day affects me and then looking at lives lost within my extended family 2009 and 2009, 2010 and 2010 (yes 2 per year).

This year my heart turns to those soldiers still fighting the war in Afghanistan, and to the families of the diggers who have lost their lives in this war. A lot of people wonder just what the hell we are doing over there. But we are Australian and isn't that our creed - to help others?

I love being Australian, knowing that I come from a land that has traditionally reached out to others to help in their struggles.

We not only help others within our own country - look at the response to the recent disasters here in 2011, but we also reach out to other countries in time of need.

We are often first responders to our neighbouring countries when things like mine disasters and earthquakes happen.

So this Anzac Day as I think of the thousands upon thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives, so that I could have freedom - I remember the brave men and women, so far from home who are showing the true Aussie spirit, fighting for the rights of others so far from the families and country that they love.


  1. It is a shame it was the same day as Easter Monday this year.

    Lest we forget.

  2. Anzac Day or Remembrance Day deserves its own special time where we can concentrate on it and nothing else. Funny how nations have picked different days to honour our military....you would think it would be more effective to have a world wide day of remembrance and honour. Here in Canada we picked a time of year that is often wild windy and cold. It is so hard for the older folks to go to the services which are usually outdoors. I believe you too are in the autumn of your year?

  3. I watched the service televised from Villers-Bretonneux yesterday; it must have been so moving to be there.

    I think the wonderful thing about Australia is that we have room for the 'why are we over there?' debate, while still supporting our soldiers and the work they do.

  4. @Thea - yes I felt it sort of got lost in the Easter Eggs - but we had 40,000 turn out for the dawn service and thousands at the various marches. In fact the numbers keep swelling every year.

    @mybabyjohn - our Anzac Day commemorates the landing at Gallipoli - we also have a minute's silence on Remembrance Day (11th November) and wear red poppies to commemorate the last day of World War II. In Perth it was a beautiful sunny Autumn day this year, but there have been others that are cold and wet.

    @Tenille - that is the wonderful thing about who we are, although shamefully not so much during and after the Vietnam war - I really feel for those vets and the shameful way some people treated them when they returned.



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