This week I have had 2 of my favourite bras lose a wire and have had to start wearing in some new ones, which leads me to recycling this old post from April 2009

Over Shoulder Boulder Holders

That's what my brother used to tease me with when I was first wearing bras and I used to think how could he say that about these little bras, well now that certainly applies.
How I wish could go back to those days. Those days when my breasts actually could be called perky instead of floppy. Back in the days when I was an A cup, well maybe when I was a B cup would be better look.
I remember the thrill of wanting to wear a bra - that would mean I was all grown up - wouldn't it? I remember getting a second hand bra from my cousin when I was in Year 7 (the year I turned 12) and stuffing it full of tissues and wearing it out and thinking I was just the coolest girl ever.
I remember going shopping with my Mum and then being really embarrassed because she talked in a loud voice to the shop assistant about training bras - OMG, I'm sure she was really talking in a normal voice but it sounded loud to me!!

I remember getting my first pretty bra - a little black net/lace number with a appliqued flower discretely placed over the nipple area - no wires at that time - but did I feel special?

I remember having my first maternity bra at the tender age of 17 and realising my breasts were never going to be the same again - from a B to a D in what seemed like an overnight happening. Plain white maternity bras they seemed huge and pointy - no pretty things like now.
So many memories tied up with one piece of clothing.
Now, I hate wearing them, they are a form of torture, they hurt my back, their wires poke under my arms pits, I have trouble doing them up because of my bad shoulder. Oh to go back to the days of smaller perkier breasts and pretty pretty bras - sigh.
I need to go shopping for some of those. I tend to wear them to shreds before I give in and shop. What a nuisance.
ReplyDeleteSnap. And when the wires come loose they do their very, very best to stab you through the heart. And new ones cost a bomb, and, unless small and perky describes your breasts, they are plain, plain, plain.
ReplyDeleteCooincidence. My favourite bra lost it's wire this week too. It snapped in the wash. Not just came out. Snapped!
ReplyDeleteHaving been well endowed almost from the word go, my memories of bras are not really happy ones. I was a B cup from the word go, somehow. A C cup by the time I hit high school (started wearing a bra at 10).
Now I've gone several letters past that and I hate it. What I wouldn't hve to be a D cup again. I miss D cups.
@mybabyjohn - I hate wearing in new bras, they feel like a straight jacket, so I wear mine until they fall apart as well.
ReplyDelete@the elephant's child - yep plain old boring bras as I am a DD cup now
@Melissa - my Mum lost a wire in the washing machine and had to get a repair man out, somehow it had worked its way into the underneath of the drum. I've had one snap I think, but while I was wearing it, it was a weird feeling.
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